Websites, SEO & Email Marketing Blog
Lighting the fuse with Shopify & WordPress website redevelopment, automated email marketing & SEO for established purpose-led brands
How To Take Credit Or Debit Card Payments Online With Or Without A Website
The wheels of the economy are starting to turn again as the end of lockdown looms. How your business can operate and thrive in a contactless environment will depend on your ability
Adding A Pay What You Want PWYW Payment Option
With COVID-19 changing the business landscape so much, evaluating your selling strategy is on many businesses current to-do list. Pay What You Want is a payment method that allows
List Of Popular Apps Offering COVID-19 Relief To NZ Businesses
With so much change and pressure hitting small businesses right now, it has been heartening to see many companies stepping up to offer tangible support during the COVID-19 crisis.
3 Tips for Tech Support Success
When Redhead Digital was the seed of an idea many years ago, I knew I had a good grasp of quite a range of marketing products and websites platforms but it was a case of a little b
Do This One Thing to Drastically Increase The Deliverability Of Your Mailchimp Sends
You can do all the email marketing courses you want, pay copywriters or marketing agencies to develop gorgeous templates, but no amount of slaving over messaging and images or thro
Can I Use Discount Codes In Place of Gift Vouchers in Shopify?
It may be tempting to use the discount code function in place of gift cards just to ‘get-by’ but this isn’t ideal for a number of reasons. Balances A discount cod
Gmail Productivity Hacks You Should Be Using
GSuite’s Gmail is so much more than email for your business and I notice that many of the clients I see using the product aren’t aware of what it’s actually capab
Why Do People Think Welcome Emails Are a Good Idea?
Spoiler Alert! Because they are. Welcome emails are THE most opened form of email marketing. If you don’t have a welcome email set-up you are missing an important opportunity
Facebook Promotion Of Competitions For 2020
What is the goal of the competition? Reach? Awareness? Event Engagement? Pick one 😉 Then you can focus the competition around that for best results. The others will happen natur