Try these 5 easy but powerful email marketing tips to increase your newsletter performance

Email marketing tips to maximse your email – it’s the highest converting digital activity overall – yes, really – Hubspot quotes a ROI of 42%. But many Kiwi companies aren’t getting anywhere near that and its often easy to fix content-fails at fault. So can you ensure that all that wonderful effort you or your […]
Triple Sign-Ups and More Money?! A Mailchimp Mind-Blowing Case Study Revealed

When starting out as a web specialist I subscribed to the under-promise/over-deliver philosophy. But over the years, my level of confidence has grown enough in my own expertise, to be quite bold about what I expect to happen when we agree to work together – and that’s pretty much an instant and measureable improvement across […]
Resync Promo Codes Between Mailchimp & Shopify

If you’re finding that the discount code you set up in Shopify isn’t available to add to a Mailchimp newsletter via the Promo Code section in Mailchimp, then here’s how to fix that issue. Login to Shopify. Go to the Mailchimp: Email Marketing App. Check that you’re connected. If you are, click on the Promos […]
Try these 5 easy but powerful email marketing tips to increase your newsletter performance

Email-marketing is the highest converting digital activity overall – yes, really – Hubspot quotes a ROI of 42%. But many Kiwi companies aren’t getting anywhere near that and its often easy to fix content-fails at fault. So can you ensure that all that wonderful effort you or your team has put into creating your email […]