Ecommerce, Shopify, Websites

How to remove Laybuy from your NZ Shopify store

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How to remove Laybuy from your Shopify store NZ

It wasn’t looking good on Friday when they suspended payments and the confirmation is here – Laybuy has gone into receivership.

If you have a NZ-based Shopify store with Laybuy connected I will remove it from your store for free. Message me.  Because times are hard enough enough in retail!

And for those that have a bit of the DIY developer in them, here’s the how-to to do it yourself.

Deactivate the payment type

Go to Settings > Payments > Manage Laybuy and click on Deactivate. This will remove Laybuy as an option at checkout. Then click Uninstall. You can still login to your Laybuy account to monitor existing orders.

Delete the Laybuy App

Go to Settings > Apps and sales channels > find the Laybuy app > click the three dots beside it and hit Uninstall.

Backup your theme, delete files

Duplicate your theme to create a backup before you touch any code. DO NOT SKIP THIS. Because you will have some left over code files to clean up and will be deleting things.

Check your code

Go to Themes > edit code > and put Laybuy in the search box. Delete the following files if they exist: Snippet laybuy.liquid, Asset files laybuy-helper.js and laybuy-helper.js, and laybuy_announcement_asset You might have some left over code to clean up. Go to the theme.liquid file. Search the file and delete the code relating to Laybuy.

Check your live site

Open a new browser, open your website and browse to a product. Check that the Laybuy info is not showing on product or as part of the payment icons ribbon in the footer.

Still showing?

You might have more code in the product template or footer. Check those templates or flick me a message and I can assist.

Keep being awesome

Afterpay or Zip might be a good option for your store. Onwards!

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