Conversion, Ecommerce, Shopify

Q. Is the Shopify payment app worth activating? We already have PayPal set up and do online internet banking as well

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A. Does a one-legged duck swim in circles? In other words, yes.

Shop Pay (formerly Shopify Pay) is not actually an app, but an accelerated checkout and payment processor from Shopify. I would never build a Shopify site and not enable.

Shop Pay is what’s available in NZ (in place of Stripe) when you set up a store and it’s Shopify’s own payment gateway powered by Stripe.

Cheaper Fees

Why pay more than you have to? Shop Pay fees are better in most cases.

ProcessorFee PercentageTransaction Fee
Shop Pay2.9% – 2.4%0.30 cents
Stripe*2.9%0.30 cents
Paypal*3.4%0.45 cents
* additional fees are charged if using these to process Shopify order payments

All third-party payment options that you connect in Shopify get charged an additional fee from 2%- 0.5% depending on the plan you’re on while orders processed with Shop Pay don’t have that extra fee.

It’s worth noting that you aren’t charged any fees for manual payments (such as internet banking or bank deposit).

Faster Checkout

Another benefit is that Shop Pay is a safe way for customers to store their card, contact and delivery details so it fast tracks checkout and that means higher conversion.

Tip: Display Your Payment Icons

It’s best-practice to enable your payment icons so your visitors can see at a glance the range of payment options your website takes. Displaying these adds an element of credibility as well.

To update your settings head to Customize > Footer > Tick ‘Show Payment Icons’

“Your Store Has Saved My Card Details”

There is a slight snag with Shop Pay that you might encounter. It’s so intuitive that less tech-savvy shoppers don’t even know they’ve signed up to it. This occasionally results in a message asking why you, the shop, have stored their details and is sending them texts.

Here’s my reply template, feel free to copy and change to your requirements.

Hi {Name}

It sounds like that when you processed your order you opted into Shop Pay by ticking the “select Save my information for a faster checkout” box at checkout. This means that Shop Pay (not us) saves the following securely encrypted information for your future purchases on any Shopify website:

  • shipping address
  • billing address
  • credit card details

Read about Shop Pay or you can use the Opt-out page to delete your saved information at any time.

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