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Not sure what to focus on?

Get more out of your website traffic

Use the calculator below to see how just a few tiny upwards changes to your existing traffic metrics can have a massive difference in your website’s performance.

Firstly, stop spending money sending traffic to a website that doesn’t convert like it should

You’ve already worked out that using paid advertising to get more website traffic won’t automatically solve all your problems.

Because if your website isn’t optimized it’s like trying to pour water into a leaky bucket which is a strategy that will only end up eroding your profit margins – sound familiar?

Invest once in fixing the leaks and get the most out of your current (and future) traffic

So, before you go ahead and spend a fortune on paid traffic, make sure your website is in tip-top shape. Get your website optimized, fix any user experience issues, and ensure that your site is fast, responsive, and easy to use.

Trust me, it’ll save you a lot of time, money, and headaches in the long run.

Can That Be Right?

It can be surprising to see your business laid out this way.  I love number-crunching and all things technical, book a walk-through of your stats with me and get clarity about your options.

Can That Be Right?

It can be surprising to see your business laid out this way.  I love number-crunching and all things technical, book a walk-through of your stats with me and get clarity about your options.

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